As you grow older and if the mantle of responsibility to create high impact value, not just to yourself, but to the society and the upcoming generation, means much to you, then, you have to accept that:
1. You can't please everyone.
2. You can't watch every movie. Movies come and go but value harnessed remains.
3. You can't be everywhere. Leverage on network, skillsets and mastery.
4. You can't be on all social media.
5. You can't keep up with all media posts. Your brain is counting on you for its health.
6. You can't be friends to everyone. If you are, you have a problem.
7. You can't be enemies to everyone. If you are, you are the problem.
8. You can't eat and drink everything.
9. You can't be at every gathering.
10. You can't be in all fields.
1. You can become whatever you believe and work hard for.
2. You can choose your friends.
3. You can learn and gain mastery of anything you are willing to learn and give quality time to.
4. You can choose to your lifestyle - healthy or unhealthy?
5. You can choose who/what you worship - God, humans or things?
6. You can wilfully make a bed of poverty through laziness or navigate a pathway to stardom through the sacrifice of obeying the guiding principles of wealth.
7. You can choose who you marry and who becomes your eternal partner.
8. You can choose your PLAY time or PAY time? Choosing any of them at youthfulness or old age has consequences.
9. You can choose who to work for or what you work for.
10. You can choose DEATH while alive or choose LIFE while alive on earth. The choice is yours.
Do you have more to add, kindly reach out.
©Ebuka UMEH 16 SEPTEMBER 2024