The times that have been given as a mandate of a fixture that shall happen by the Supreme being.
The semblance of a day many commemorate all the saints who labour tireless in defence of their faith to the Unmoved Mover. The 9th of 12th was chosen but not for rest but the revealing of the one to come. He shoned brightly as a huge light from the sky top as the brazing gates opened. The wanton man could only see the light and the appearing of that which followed the Light but there was no face because He is the light.
At the top, was Mary, the one that defiled nature through the Spirit to conceieve the priceless son of the Alpha and Omega, who gave up all for us, even up till death to built a bridge of continuous reconcilation between the descendants of first (who fell on the cogitation of the fruit tagged "forbidden") and the Mighty King.
Oh, wanton man! How could you see all these happening but many others couldn't? Howbeit, that fingers pointed towards the grand coming is not acceded to, even though imminent? But, mortal man saw, but only few were assigned to scale the vision in the Spirit on the event based on the time appointed. Could their sight not scaled because readiness? As ruminations of the wanton man continues to search answers from the Holy One.
An assigned point of convergence was given till the understanding of what is being happening is revealed to all men. Would it be too late? Would the conglomerate of saints be ready for this convergence before the take-off?
It was a meetup of sharing THE WORD, sharing JESUS. A meetup of discussion of the scriptures as a waiting room for the flight. The mortal man was revealed of the enormous tasks ahead but the few joined the meetup. He answered questions and taught the assembled about I AM but the rabbi was not seen. More were running in hastiness to join but the mortal man saw only one face being recognised aforetime but he was late for the convergence. Howbeit, that only one face is recognized? But even though, the wanton man was glad that he made it...
The vision is clear till the time appointed.